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The Money Sessions

Mar 7, 2022

In 2021, Dulce had 299 fewer client sessions than the year before, WHILE MAKING THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY.

Join us for Fee Week (it's free) and we'll show you how she did it.

In this episode, we'll talk about what is *actually* possible for you in 2022 if you make just a few small (but...

Mar 3, 2022 In our last FEE WEEK, we had over 800 therapists enroll in FEE WEEK and the results were phenomenal.

Join us to get your roadmap to your 6-figure 2022, while seeing fewer than 20 clients/week.

Feb 28, 2022

Are you on track to make 6-figures in your practice while having fewer than 20 sessions per week?  If yes. Then you are probably one of our Lean In. MAKE BANK. Academy students. HIGH FIVE. If no, then I’m inviting you to join us in FEE WEEK. Go to