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The Money Sessions

Mar 1, 2019

In this first interview from The Money Sessions, we get to hear from New York based therapist Jelisha Gatling who went from barely making $500/month in private practice to having her first 6k month in less than a year - and that’s 6k month came with taking a week and a half off in December for the holidays.

Jelisha will talk about why she left her group practice, despite fears of totally failing and how she went from anxiously charging $80/session to confidently charging $165 for individuals and $210 for couples.

In this episode, Jelisha will also share:

 3 signs she knew it was time to leave group practice

 How she opened a solo practice despite all her fears about utter failure

 3 signs she knew it was time to raise her feesHow her fears about charging more than seasoned supervisors held her back

 Exactly how she handles intake calls now, without fear, despite raising her fee significantly

 What she was surprised to learn about herself by challenging her limiting mindset beliefs

 3 actionable strategies YOU can use to leave group practice or confidently charge premium prices