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The Money Sessions

Jan 6, 2021

What’s up paaaarty people. We finally made it to 2021! 🥳

& with that... season 3 of The Money Sessions. BOOMSHAKA.


I’m sooooo excited for this year! I’m stoked for our upcoming guests on The Money Sessions AND we’ve got some veeeEEEery exciting ideas up our sleeves over in The Lean In. MAKE BANK. Academy (Don’t know LIMB?? That’s where we help therapists like you raise your fees so that you can luxuriate your life. 💆🏾‍♀️)


In today’s episode, I will be sharing with you:

WELCOME TO FEE WEEEEK (almost): What IS it and how will it   help you have your first 6-figure year??

What you can do to hit your 6-figure goal in 2021, while working FEWER hours;

When and how YOU can enroll in FEE WEEK and get access to our exclusive pop-up Facebook group.