Nov 11, 2019
In this episode, we get to hear from New York based therapist Stephanie Dobbin. Stephanie is a relationally based group process therapist who, on a dare from a friend, raised her fees from $110 to $150. She was nervous, but she took the chance. What happened? The very first client that called after she stated her fee, said "No thank you! We'll find someone cheaper."
The ironic part? The client was a therapist!! WHAT?!
In this episode we'll talk about what to do when we raise our fees and get rejected. How can we therapists stay the course? How to go against the narrative of scarcity, poverty and martyrdom that our profession reinforces? We'll dive into all that and more.
In this episode, Stephanie will share:
How to offer clients a lower fee
while earning exponentially more money in your pocket;
How a friend’s dare led her to
successfully raise her rates;
What to do when even therapist
clients won’t pay your fee;
How raising her fees led her to do
better clinical work;
Why ignoring your own money mindset
blinds you to your clients’ struggles.
The controversial idea that it is
your right and your duty to earn a good living as a therapist.
Resources Mentioned:
Lead Process Groups in Private Practice
More about
Stephanie Dobbin, LMFT, CGP is a relational & group psychotherapist based in Rochester, NY. She is passionate about working with healthcare providers who want happier, healthier lives at home and at work. She has a fully private-pay practice, seeing about 20 individual and couple clients weekly. She LOVES group psychotherapy and leads two groups in her practice as well. She has a Facebook group for group therapists and group-therapist-hopefuls called Lead Process Groups in Private Practice. Her course, Get Good at Leading Process Groups, launched earlier this year. Find out more at her FB group ==> Lead Process Groups in Private Practice